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  • 易建联
  • 2024-05-31 02:49:58
  • 4

1. 易建联(Coach):易建联为中国男子球队长期的教练,是北京队的精神领袖

2. 韩明(PG):韩明是北京队的控球后卫,擅长外场突击和传球

3. 刘晓峰(SG):刘晓峰是北京队的射手前锋拥有强大三分球能力。

4. 王欣(SF):王欣是北京队的多面手型小前锋,擅长内外场攻击和防守

5. 李伟(PF):李伟是北京队的力大型前锋,拥有强大的篮板争夺能力和防守能力

6. 郑少峰(C):郑少峰是北京队的主控中锋,擅长篮板争夺、传球和防守。

7. 杨晨光(G):杨晨光是北京队的控球后卫,拥有强大的三分球能力和传球能力。

8. 刘建瑞(F):刘建瑞是北京队的力大型前锋,擅长内外场攻击和防守。

9. 张晨晖(G):张晨晖是北京队的控球后卫,拥有强大的三分球能力和传球能力。

10. 刘洋(C):刘洋是北京队的主控中锋,擅长篮板争夺、传球和防守。

易建联 Beijing Team Roster The Beijing team, led by coach Yi Jianlian, is a core force in Chinese men''s basketbal.html">basketball.html">basketball. Here is the roster of the team: 1. Yi Jianlian (Coach): Yi Jianlian has been the head coach of the Chinese men''s basketball team for many years and is the spiritual leader of the Beijing team. 2. Han Ming (PG): Han Ming is the point guard of the Beijing team, known for his excellent ball handling and passing skills. 3. Liu Xiaofeng (SG): Liu Xiaofeng is a shooting guard who can score from anywhere on the court. 4. Wang Xin (SF): Wang Xin is a versatile small forward who can play both inside and outside. 5. Li Wei (PF): Li Wei is a power forward with strong rebounding and defensive skills. 6. Zheng Shaofeng (C): Zheng Shaofeng is the team''s main center, known for his excellent rebounding and passing skills. 7. Yang Chengguang (G): Yang Chengguang is a point guard with excellent three-point shooting and passing skills. 8. Liu Jianrui (F): Liu Jianrui is a power forward who can play both inside and outside. 9. Zhang Chenhui (G): Zhang Chenhui is a point guard with excellent three-point shooting and passing skills. 10. Liu Yang (C): Liu Yang is the team''s main center, known for his excellent rebounding and defensive skills.