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建联曾经是 NBA 中的一颗明星球员,但是在2019年退役后,他便消失在了 basketbal.html">basketball.html">basketball 圈子中。然而,在最近的一期 NBA 2K22 游戏官方视频中,易建突然重新出现在了我们的视野中。这次他并不是作为一个游戏人物,而是一个真正的球员!

Easy to understand that the news of Li Jianlian''s comeback has been spreading like wildfire in the basketball world. Many media outlets are giving their opinions on this matter, and most of them think that Li Jianlian''s return is a big blow to the current NBA players.

For instance, ESPN said: "Li Jianlian''s return will definitely cause a stir in the NBA. His experience and skills will be a huge threat to many young players." Meanwhile, other media outlets like Sports Illustrated and The Athletic also agreed that Li Jianlian''s comeback is a big deal.

As for what kind of role Li Jianlian will play in his return, it seems that he has not made any official statement yet. However, according to some rumors, he may be joining the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) league and help his hometown team Zhejiang Guangsha Lions win more games.

In conclusion, Li Jianlian''s comeback is definitely a hot topic in the basketball world right now. We will have to wait and see what kind of impact he will make on the court when he returns.