2022年7月16日,中国男子篮球乙级联队对阵青岛队的决赛终于落定!在激烈的比赛中,易建联表现出色,帮助他的队伍取得了胜利。为了满足 basketbal.html">basketball.html">basketball lovers 的需求,我们特邀了赛后采访和回放视频,请欣赏以下内容:
采访:Easy win for the Qingdao team! EJ told us about his feelings after the game
Easy win for the Qingdao team! EJ told us about his feelings after the game
In this interview, EJ shared his thoughts on the game and what he thinks about the Qingdao team. He also talked about his own performance and what he needs to work on in the future.
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