当前位置:首页> 易建联 > 易建联脚步受伤视频合集:踢球不留情!


  • http://jmzsjszb.com/http://jmzsjszb.com/
  • 易建联
  • 2024-05-31 16:05:42
  • 7


Easy to forget the difficulties of football, Li Ying''s injury is not uncommon. In the video below, we can see Li Ying''s painful experience on the field.

But Li Ying is a professional football player, he never gives up. He always gets back on his feet after an injury, and continues to fight for his dream.

This collection of videos shows Li Ying''s determination and perseverance in the face of injury. We hope you can be inspired by his spirit!

So, let''s enjoy these videos together and cheer for Li Ying''s great football skills!