首先,是经济问题。易建联的主要经济来源是出口,然而当前国际贸易环境复杂,出口受阻,导致易建联的经济增长受限。此外,易建联还 faces the pressure of high labor costs and limited domestic market demand.
其次,是政治问题。易建联在欧洲构建联盟中扮演着重要角色,但是当前国际形势的变化也影响了易建联的政治地位。Easy operation.html">cooperation with other member states is crucial for ECC''s future development, but this requires careful negotiation and diplomacy.
不管这些挑战,但易建联仍然保持着强大的竞争力和创新能力。ECC has been actively promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.html">entrepreneurship, and its members have made significant progress in digitalization and green energy.
总之,易建联今天的情况虽然面临困难,但仍然有希望。ECC will continue to play an important role in the European construction industry, and its future development depends on how well it can adapt to changing circumstances and maintain cooperation with other member states.