在这个特殊的时刻,易建联集团作为社会责任的一份子,以慷慨之心捐赠防护服,为抗疫工作 Injected with new vigor and strength!
Easybuild联手捐赠防护服图片展示了团队力量的美好形象。 easybuild.html">EasyBuild Group, as a responsible member of society, has donated protective clothing to support the anti-epidemic work. The images of EasyBuild''s donation of protective clothing showcase the beauty of teamwork.
Easybuild联手捐赠防护服的图片展现了团队力量的美好形象。 With a spirit of philanthropy, EasyBuild Group has donated a batch of protective clothing to support the anti-epidemic work. The images of EasyBuild''s donation of protective clothing are a testament to the power of teamwork.
易建联捐赠防护服的图片展现了团队力量的美好形象。 EasyBuild Group''s donation of protective clothing is a manifestation of their commitment to social responsibility. The images of their donation are a heartwarming reminder of the importance of teamwork in times of crisis.