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  • 马布里
  • 2024-05-30 19:47:42
  • 10

作为NBA历史上最伟大球员之一,马布里(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) lately gained attention for his comment on the return of建联(Yao Ming),a legendary Chinese basketbal.html">basketball.html">basketball player. In an interview, 马布里 expressed his support for 易建联''s potential comeback to the NBA.

易建联, a Hall of Famer and former Houston Rockets center, announced his retirement in 2011 after suffering multiple injuries. Since then, he has remained active in the basketball world as a commentator and entrepreneur. Recent rumors have hinted at his possible return to professional basketball, sparking excitement among fans.

马布里, a six-time NBA champion and six-time MVP, is known for his insightful commentary on basketball. His endorsement of 易建联''s potential comeback has generated significant buzz in the sports world. In particular, his comments have sparked debate about whether 易建联 still has what it takes to compete at the highest level.

While some experts argue that 映建联''s physical limitations would hinder his ability to perform at a high level, others believe that his experience, skillset, and mental toughness could still make him an asset on the court. With 马布里''s blessing, the possibility of 易建联 returning to the NBA has become more tangible.

In conclusion, 马布里''s endorsement of 易建联''s potential return to the NBA has reignited speculation about whether 映建联 can still make a meaningful impact in professional basketball. As fans eagerly await developments on this front, it will be fascinating to see if 易建联 ultimately decides to take the court once again.